Embedded Smart Controllers
Premium Automotive Consultancy
Financial Aiding Tools
Custom Hardware
Automation Software
Website Design
Trading Scripts
Ideas On Wire
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Projects portfolio
Dealer Audits of Automotive OEM processes
Service consultancy at corporate and retail level of premium automobile segments
Vehicle and motorbike ECU calibration and firmware tuning
Embedded VoIP systems for portable, stand-alone applications
Digital forensic consultancy/analysis
EDA design and PCB realization
Microcontroller projects for wearable and IoT applications
Custom smart-home entry controllers on Wiegand RFID/MiFARE protocols
Web data extraction automation and RPA bots
PLC programming for SCADA systems
CMS-based booking websites
Military probes and intelligent motion systems
Commercial fashion showcase websites
CAN bus logging and emulation boxes
Computer Vision surveillance platforms
Machine Learning / RPA tools
Trading algorithms for financial instruments: strategies/robots design and implementation